Thermalist Workshop October
Workshop 24-26th October 2025 in Halmstad, Sweden.
A three days physical workshop in the Nordics after finishing the online training.
- To solidify your learnings and pass the test in the Thermalist Method to get certified.
- To network: Meet other Thermalist Method Instructor colleagues from all over the world.
- To meet Susanna and her medical team and ask questions about your uncertainties about performing the method.
The aim: To equip you with the science-backed Thermalist Method so you can offer a healthy and safe practice to your clients.
What you learn: Equip yourself with expert knowledge, teach with confidence, and prioritize safety.
Requirement: Dedicated to perform the Thermalist Method Workshops and passed the online training. To become a certified Thermalist Instructor, we'll see you in a theoretical and practical workshop with Susanna Søberg and her medical team in Sweden. In this workshop we'll practice the method. We have prepared the method for a long time - as you know science backed methods takes time to develop. This method is based on 10 years of science and practical knowledge in physical and mental health. The detailed program will be send upon sign-up.
We hope to see you there!
What you take care of...
24th October: We meet in the hall at 1pm (CET). 26th October: Finish at 5pm (CET)
Flight + transfer + booking of room at Hotel Tylösand.
Bring: Warm clothing, swimwear, swim rope and swim shoes (if you like).
Booking of room (includes breakfast + access to spa area)
Enjoy our special Thermalist discount for the rooms at the hotel.
You come from all over the world so some of you might want to come early - on Thursday - or you want to leave Monday - it's up to you and what fits your flight schedule.
Single room /night: 170 EUR / 179 USD
Double room/night: 238 EUR / 250 USD
Rates may change with exchange rate fluctuations.
Booking of room send an email to: