Watch a preview of the Thermalist® Education


Get your certification! The first (and only) science backed education in cold and heat therapy in the world. Created and taught by Susanna Søberg, PhD.

Curated from her pioneering research, this educational program offers a thorough grasp of cold, heat, and breathwork therapies. Equip yourself with expert knowledge and learn from her 10 years of research and practical experience. Teach with confidence, and prioritize safety. Ideal for both seasoned instructors and enthusiastic beginners. For professionals seeking best practice + tons of protocols for health effects- the Thermalist® Education is a cornerstone.

"I invite you to work and partner with me to impact peoples lives in this world. Let's lower stress, depression and preventable diseases - together! - Susanna Søberg, PhD


Thermalist® Get-started

2 ½ HOURs

Take your personal thermal journey to the next level with our online course, designed for consumers. Learn best science backed practice in ice baths and sauna and understand the physiological responses to thermal therapy.

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Level 1: Thermalist® Instructor


Work science backed in your business with offerings curated by Dr. Soeberg with 10 years of research and expertise in this space. Elevate your practice by taking the first step towards certification as a Thermalist Instructor. Level 1 is good for staff with minimum costumer contact, and still wants to offer science-backed advice. Also perfect for wellness professionals aiming to guide others in safe and effective thermal therapies. Level 1 is the first of two levels to get the full Master Instructor certification.


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Level 2: Thermalist® Master Instructor

8 hours

Get your certification! Last module out of two to get your Master Instructor certification - meaning you work science backed for benefits and safety of your costumers. Enjoy the 'easy-to-follow' learning in Dr. Soeberg´s HYBRID classes: Combining online video content, interactive teaching, tests and questionnaires as well as meetings with her in LIVE classes. Designed for professional practitioners, including those from spas, boutiques, wellness facilities, and health and fitness professionals. This level is ideal for individuals aiming to teach and represent Dr. Soeberg’s methodologies, requiring at least 6 months of personal experience and completion of Levels 1. By completing Level 1+2, you acquire the Thermalist Master Instructor certification.


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Thermalist® Master Instructor (Full Education)

LEVEL 1 & 2 - 18 HOURS

Equip yourself with expert knowledge, tons of practical and actionable protocols and tools, teach with confidence, and prioritize safety. This education is non-negotioable if you want to be professional and take your costumers health seriously. This is the all-in-one education to take your level to 'professional'. Ideal for both seasoned instructors and enthusiastic beginners, this education is a cornerstone in thermal therapy.

Everything in "Enthusiasts" and "Level 1+2" is included here.


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Meet our Certified Thermalist® Instructors

5 out of 5 ! The bite-size nature of the video instructions made it really digestible and easy to pick up in manageable learning modules. Good balance of the scientific background and research to underpin the benefits and practical applications. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in improving their physical and mental health through the most natural and readily accessible heat and cold therapy. This could be genuinely life-changing for those willing to commit the three weeks needed to create new habits that lead to the Thermalist lifestyle. Brilliant!
Such a pleasure taking this course!! Just brilliant presented and easy to follow and do. I rate it 5 out of 5! I love the bite-size library of content. I could do it in my own pace, and rewatch, which fit my worklife. Dr. Soeberg really made a well-balanced course of both theory and practice - you know why this is good and then how to do it. The thermalist cure is really a lifechanging approach! Eye opening course. Thanks to Dr. Susanna Soeberg for everything you do.
— William
The work you are doing is very important. As an interventional pain management physician I am always looking for non invasive ways for patients to improve their health and pain.
— Matthew Pouliot
Dr. Søberg you have helped me so much with my new cold water plunge routine. I look forward to learning more about the optimum time to increase my metabolism, eliminating weak mitochondria and more. Thank you!
— Mark Strauss
Thank you from Australia! I am excited to learn more and love the work you are doing. I have started cold plunging for the past 10 weeks and noticing benefits but also dealing with problems such as reynauds and chilblains. I hope I can learn more to help me on my journey
— Lisa
Thank you for making the science of beath, cold and heat so accessible. Looking forward to becoming your first instructor from South Africa.
— Ronen
My husband and I love your work. We've done Bikram since 2008 and now I'm teaching it. Your work in cold is of great interest and you've inspired us to put in a cold plunge. Thank you!
— Karen
I am fascinated by your knowledge of metabolism and all things hot and cold. I am on my own wellness journey that includes nutrition, cold plunge and infrared heat.
— Daniel
I find your work really interesting. It supports my work as a cold water therapy coach, breathing coach and menopause wellbeing practitioner. I'm interested in your Thermalist Instructor Course as well, so want to keep up to date with your work. Thank you
— Marianne
Thank you for providing us with more science and information. I really hope to in the future join your courses and become a thermalist myself.
— Laura Graversen
The principles that you endorse have proven very effective for our family's health and physical performance
— Mark
I first learned of you from Peter Attila's Podcast. I was so intrigued by your work. Thank you!
— Sharon
Thank you so much for all of this incredible information you put on. From the first time that I erased myself in an ice bath I went in to total shock and had no idea about the physiological effects that were occuring. After reading your first book and listening to many of your podcasts I now use this information to help men tackle mental health issues in my Men's group events.
— Daryl
Love your story, heard you on many different podcasts and you got me talking cold showers and talking about it to many of my patients. Keep up the great work!
— Mayoor
I love how you really care about people's health
— Jack
Glad to support your work as it has already made mine and my families life better!
— Dave
I run a sauna and cold plunge business in New Zealand and love your work. Thank you for sharing this knowledge in a digestible way.
— Cameron
I'm sincerely hoping your information on the thermal therapy will help my wellness journey post pulmonary embolism
— Jayme
I'm excited to learn more about the cold water immersion and breath work. Looking forward to learning more about the instructor program.
— Vicky
You have changed my life and I'm hoping I can change others using your information. Thank you
— Sam
Thank you for sharing such vital data in actionable ways!
— Melanie
I love your thoroughly evidenced approach while communicating effectively without scientific jargon. Thank you
— Stu

Frequently asked questions

What are the requirements for enrolling in the Thermalist® Education?

The Thermalist® Education is open to individuals who have a passion for holistic health and a desire to enhance their knowledge. Whether you're an aspiring instructor, a practitioner, or simply someone eager to delve into the world of thermal stress and therapy, our program welcomes learners of all backgrounds and experiences. Additionally, all participants are required to have completed a first-aid course and renew it every second year.

How long does it typically take to complete the education?

The course is self-paced, so the duration can vary based on individual learning speed. However you have have 3 months to complete the education.

Is this course suitable for beginners or individuals new to thermal therapy practices?

Yes, the education is suitable for beginners. Dr. Susanna Søberg's instructor course provides comprehensive training that covers the fundamentals, making it accessible to those new to thermal therapy practices.

Will I receive a certification upon completion of the instructor education?

Yes, successful completion of the education will earn you a certification as a qualified thermal wellness instructor.

Are there ongoing support or resources available after finishing the education?

Yes, graduates of the instructor education gain access to a community of fellow instructors where we share and support each other in our work.

What kind of teaching materials or resources are provided during the education?

The education includes a comprehensive curriculum, instructional videos, study materials, and practical exercises to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to teach thermal therapy effectively.

Can this education be taken online, and is it self-paced?

Yes, the course is entirely online and self-paced, allowing you to study and complete assignments according to your schedule and preferences.

How does this course differ from other thermal wellness instructor programs available in the market?

Dr. Susanna Søberg's Instructor Course is founded in her pioneering research, the Søberg Principle. Her passion for and many years of studying the physiology and biochemistry of thermal stress, Susanna has trained winter swimmers and is, herself, a practitioner. The educational program offers an unparalleled depth of knowledge in thermal therapy, underpinned by scientific rigor and unwavering commitment to safety. This distinctive approach sets the courseware apart, making the source materials a trusted choice in the field of thermal therapy education. Dr. Søberg's primary goal is to make this form of fitness accessible to everyone, empowering individuals to prevent lifestyle diseases through informed learning and responsible application and practice.